Update On Cider Solar Farm Permit

The Project is preparing to begin construction. On or about November 11, 2024, Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC will commence construction on the 500-megawatt (MW) Cider Solar Farm (Project) located in the Towns of Elba and Oakfield, Genesee County.

Pursuant to Article VIII of the New York State Public Service Law (previously Section 94-c of the New York State Executive Law), this notice is being provided in accordance with Section 5.2 of the Project’s Siting Permit for a Major Renewable Energy Facility, issued by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES) on July 25, 2022. A copy of the Siting Permit and all public documents filed with this proceeding may be accessed electronically at ORES’s website, https://dps.ny.gov/ores-permit-applications.

Description of the Project

Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC will construct the Project in the Towns of Elba and Oakfield in Genesee County. The Project Site consists of approximately 2,500 acres of land, roughly located to the north and west of the Village of Elba, and north of the Village of Oakfield. The Project will consist of 34 fenced solar array areas, 56 miles of perimeter fencing, 23 miles of access roads, approximately 73 miles of buried medium voltage electrical collection lines, and a collection substation and point of interconnection. The Project will interconnect to the New York Power Authority (NYPA) Dysinger to New Rochester 345 kV transmission line.

Construction Schedule

Construction is scheduled to begin on or about November 11, 2024. Construction activities will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday and on national holidays.

Contacts for Development and Construction

Creighton Wilson
Hecate Energy Project Director
Email CiderSolar@HecateEnergy.com
(833) 392-1470 Toll Free
Cider Solar Farm
621 W. Randolph St
Chicago, IL 60661

Project Information and Resources

Information regarding the Project can be found at the Project’s website https://www.cidersolarfarm.com/ and the ORES website https://dps.ny.gov/ores-permit-applications.

Paper copies of Project documents are also available at local document repositories:
Elba Town Hall
7133 Oak Orchard Road
Elba, New York 14058

Oakfield Town Hall
3219 Drake Street
Oakfield, NY 14125

Haxton Memorial Library
3 North Pearl Street
Oakfield, NY 14125

Procedure and Contact Information for Registering a Complaint

Complaints by neighboring residents and others may be made through the following channels. For safety reasons, members of the public will not be allowed onsite to register complaints with Cider Solar Farm-affiliated workers during construction.
  • Calling the toll-free number ((833) 392-1470) or the phone number of the Project representative listed above;
  • Writing to the Project representatives using the designated email (cidersolar@hecateenergy.com) or as indicated on the Project website. A blank template for submission of a written complaint/comment is provided in Attachment B to the Facility Communication and Complaint Resolution Plan, available on the Project website.

ORES and NYSDPS Contact information

ORES – Nathan Stone, Public Information Officernathan.stone@dps.ny.gov, (518) 473-4536
NYSDPS – James Denn, Public Information Officerjames.denn@dps.ny.gov, (518) 474-7080